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p> Excellent adhesion of EPP, balsa, metals, plastics such as ABS and PS, glass, ceramics, rubber, leather, porcelain, wood, coating films, etc.
p> Does not stick PE, PP, Teflon etc.
Use Activator PROFI to accelerate the adhesion and increase the adhesive strength.
p> Excellent adhesion of EPP, balsa, metals, plastics such as ABS and PS, glass, ceramics, rubber, leather, porcelain, wood, coating films, etc.
p> Does not stick PE, PP, Teflon etc.
Use Activator PROFI to accelerate the adhesion and increase the adhesive strength.
p> Excellent adhesion of EPP, balsa, metals, plastics such as ABS and PS, glass, ceramics, rubber, leather, porcelain, wood, coating films, etc.
p> Does not stick PE, PP, Teflon etc.
Use Activator PROFI to accelerate the adhesion and increase the adhesive strength.
MON - THURS: 9:00 - 16:00
FRI: 9:00 - 14:00
SO: by telephone appointment